Delivering business value through customer value.
Delivering business value through customer value using customer strategy, customer experience management, innovation management, ways-of-working, experimentation, systems thinking and measurements.
I listen to and co-create with teams around the world from global, to regional and local. Understanding our shared goals and purpose, finding and designing customer tools, methods, mindsets that puts the customer at the center of operational and strategic team’s decision making.
Reimagining and innovating how driving valuable outcomes for the customer can deliver valuable outcomes to the business through strategic and operational practice, ways-of-working, measurement and incentive structure.
For my personal resume and work experience, please see LinkedIn.
I build, connect and scale through leading communities of practice, networks, inspiring and motivating people. I keep my ear to the ground testing through tangible practical prototypes helping theory and strategy come to life through real world projects.
I am progressive. A systems thinker looking for structural underlying forces of influence (why are things the way they are). I am direct, clear and vocal about what the facts are telling us and the need to run experiments to learn more (or prove that I am wrong - my favorite learning experience is being surprised).
I am a progessive, proactive customer fanatic.